


天气预报说终于下雪了! We'd like to share with you our district's process when it comes to making decisions due to 恶劣天气. 我们理解这些决定会对家庭产生重大影响, so we want to share the process behind these important decisions for better clarity and preparedness. 我们学生的安全, 父母, and staff  is a core value prioritized here in Oregon City School District. 我们仔细考虑我们的决定,考虑到这一点.


1. Assess weather and forecasted reports for local and surrounding areas to Oregon City.
To begin, we monitor the local area weather reports and those of the surrounding areas. We have a very diverse landscape within the Oregon City School District itself, 我们周围的地区也不例外. This means that while conditions may be clear and traversable near your residence, 在另一个领域可能不是这样. Many of our staff live outside of Oregon City and those areas may be impacted differently than Oregon City. 

2. 监察巴士路线及通勤的路况.
When 恶劣天气 appears in our forecast, we begin monitoring the roads. 这种情况发生在前一天晚上和第二天凌晨. 我们的目标是在早上5点之前做出决定, 在我们的巴士司机开始他们早上的路线之前.

3. Connect with and monitor neighboring school districts in the surrounding areas.
We also monitor the neighboring school districts and surrounding areas. 如前所述, many of our staff members live outside Oregon City and we have students who attend schools and programs outside of Oregon City. School delays or weather conditions in neighboring districts may impact their capabilities to safely commute. 没有我们的员工,我们也无法安全运营学校. 

4. 最后,发送通知.
Once a decision has been made we send out notifications through our official communication channels. These are ParentSquare, Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, our websites, and FlashAlert. Families can also tune in to the local news channels to receive information about school closures and delays.

We do this by watching the weather and collaborating with neighboring school districts about conditions. If the weather makes the roads impassable and there is no improvement forecasted in the weather, 我们将取消今天的课程. 这意味着学校不会有公共汽车,也不会有课后活动. 我们的学校将关闭.

如果天气看起来会好转的话, 还有路况, we will decide to delay the start of our school day by two hours so that commuting to school will be safe. 在这段时间内,道路状况不应该改善吗, 今天剩下的时间我们将停课. 如果学校延误了两个小时, buses will run two hours behind normal schedule and classes will be on a modified schedule. After school activities may be affected so please pay attention to the communication your school puts out in this regard.

It is important to pay close attention to our communications to know if school will run as normal the next day, 或者航班是否会取消或延误.

We recognize that each weather event is unique and we understand that your families may be impacted in various ways. 此外,天气状况变化迅速,难以预测.  We work hard to make the best decisions we can with the information we know. We do not take these decisions lightly and our main concern in making these decisions is for staff and student safety.  


Sometimes when the district closes schools I look outside my house and see only a thin covering of snow on the ground; I could easily take my child to school, 但是它是关闭的. 为什么我的学校在不需要关闭的时候关闭了?
School closure decisions are based on conditions throughout the district. 我们作为一个系统运作,而不是独立的学校. Over half of our staff members live outside of district boundaries and need to safely commute to work. Some areas of the district may have much more snow and school buses cannot be driven safely‐ i.e. 比弗克里克和雷德兰地区. 

学校开放, but with the snow and/or ice on the road it isn’t safe to drive/walk out of my neighborhood. 我该怎么办??
我们不能替你和你的家人做决定. You need to determine if it’s safe for you to drive/walk your child to school. We encourage families to make transportation and attendance decisions for their students based on their own assessment of travel conditions at their location.

How does the district work with neighboring districts when making the decision to close?

Clackamas County Superintendents work collaboratively to share information about weather conditions in their communities and discuss how their decisions to delay or close school may affect another district.  教职员工和学生跨区工作, specialized programs and activities; being safe is a priority for all of us. 

Can we shift to online learning when the snow/ice causes cancellations?

Shifting to online learning takes pre planning which includes ensuring students have access to technology, 无线网络, and understand how to interact with their teachers on online platforms.  工作人员还需要有适当的制度和结构, 比如谷歌课堂, 支持互动和教学.  Typically, teachers are provided time to make this transition on canceled days.  此时此刻, Oregon City School District does not have this set up as an expectation for staff or students.  Ordinarily we are out of school only a day here and there and do not experience multiple days of closure.  随着我们的发展, we will be having conversations about how we may be able to set this up in the future.   


There are a lot of great activities that can be done at home to support student learning.  读一本好书, writing a letter to a family member who is missing the great snow/ice storm, 玩棋盘游戏, 工程雪堡, 了解天气和气候, 用量杯烹饪新食物, 演奏乐器, 创造艺术, 在下雪天跳舞或编故事都是很好的活动! 

家庭也可以在这里找到补充资源: http://vml5.weareallnerds.com/academic-resources